The most effective homework assignments are the ones that clients complete. Here are some tips to help ensure client success!
Therapists often assign homework to clients as a therapeutic tool. Often, clients fail to complete the assignment. Rather than labeling these clients as “resistant,” let’s look at what you, the therapist, can do to make these assignments effective.
- Get client buy-in. The most effective homework assignments are created collaboratively with clients, as opposed to unilaterally by the counselor. When creating assignments, be sure to keep in mind the client’s goals, strengths and preferences. Include clients in the creation process, so that they get a sense of ownership.
- Explain the purpose. Start by explaining the general benefits of homework assignments. Then, move to the specific homework assignment by explaining how it will help them meet their clinical goals. Don’t wait until the very end of the session to give the assignment. Instead, allow the client time to process the information, and ask any questions.
- Can they do it? Giving a homework assignment that is too difficult, or requires resources the client does not possess, is a good way to ensure failure. Instead, make sure the assignment is do-able. Does the client have the skills, time and resources to complete the assignment? If not, either skip it or change the assignment to better fit the client’s abilities and resources.
- Is it clearly defined? Vague homework assignments can be confusing, overwhelming and discouraging to clients. Be sure to provide enough detail so that the assignment is clearly defined. Ask them if they understand, and offer to answer questions about homework in-between sessions.
- Do you have a good working relationship? Last but not least, a strong therapeutic alliance with the client will increase the likelihood of homework compliance. Use your active listening skills, SOLER attentional behaviors (i.e. relaxed posture, eye contact) and self-disclosure to build the relationship first.
Yours in the Joy of Knowledge,
Dr. Barb LoFrisco