In difficult times a professional counselor can give the necessary advice and perspective to provide relief from job stress, relationship difficulties, and even substance addiction and serious mental health problems. Counselors are trained to listen well, provide sound advice, and recommend the best treatment or course of action to help patients get through traumatic events and rough patches in life.
These sites are not presented in order of quality or preference. They are all fantastic. The categories are numbered for easier navigation. This list is a collection of the best sites on counseling from around the web, in the hopes that counselors or students wanting to become counselors will be inspired to learn more and strive to be the best counselors they can be.
Grief & Anxiety Counseling
AI-Therapy Blog
This blog is geared towards anxiety topics and information as well as topics about cognitive behavioral therapy. The site has vast information about mental disorders and tips on coping with these illnesses.
- Where to Start: Fear of failure prevents us from making progress
OCD, Panic & Anxiety Blog
This blog touches on important topics in the OCD, panic, and anxiety disorder community. Readers can find posts about identifying the disorder, finding help, and coping with symptoms.
- Where to Start: The Psychology of Hoarding
Counselor Barb
Counselor Barb is the site for Barb LoFrisco who offers individual and couples counseling. This site has information on who needs counseling, what to expect from counseling, and general tips to help people cope with common stress factors in life.
- Where to Start: How to Handle the Office Bully
Anxiety Coach
The Anxiety Coach provides information for those living with one of the many types of anxiety disorders. Visitors will find information about certain types of anxiety disorders, what causes these illnesses, overcoming the disorders, and how to find help.
- Where to Start: First Steps to Overcoming Anxiety
Anxiety Therapy
Many people in this country are living with chronic and severe anxiety; this site is dedicated to those who suffer from an anxiety disorder and who could benefit from therapy. This site offers users the chance to receive online therapy and help for their anxiety disorders.
- Where to Start: Anxiety Therapy and Soul State
The Center for Stress and Anxiety Management
This site focuses on evidence based treatments for people who live with anxiety disorders. Users will find information about different types of anxiety disorders and learn ways to cope with these conditions.
- Where to Start: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Not Just for War Veterans
Hello Grief
Hello Grief is a place for people to share and talk about loss and grief. It allows people to openly deal with their emotions as an important part of the recovery process.
- Where to Start: College Without Dad
Anxiety Center
The Anxiety Center is a site dedicated to providing information and resources concerning anxiety disorders and panic attacks. This site takes an approach to anxiety like it is a learned condition instead of chemical imbalance or illness.
- Where to Start: Anxiety, depression, and nutrition
The Anxiety & Stress Management Institute
The Anxiety & Stress Management Institute is a facility which offers treatment for anxiety and stress related illness. This website provides visitors with information about treatment, recovery, and living with stress and anxiety.
- Where to Start: Health & Wellness Information
Anxiety Relief
Anxiety Relief is a site which offers comprehensive information and help on many different types of anxiety and stress related conditions. Information offered is intended to help readers get rid of negative thinking, fears, and emotional stress.
- Where to Start: Anxiety Disorders
Calm Clinic
Calm is something a person with anxiety rarely feels, but the Calm Clinic site hopes to offer people the resources to get them there. The Calm Clinic provides readers with information about coping with stress and anxiety in everyday life situations.
- Where to Start: Anxiety Pains
Grief Healing
Coping with loss and experiencing grief is an unfortunate part of life, and most people need added support to get back to normal. This site offers resources for people who are dealing with loss, included an explanation of the grieving process and where to get support.
- Where to Start: Permission to Mourn this Holiday Season
Center for Grief Recovery & Therapeutic Services
This website explores loss in its many forms and offers specific help and information about different kinds of grief. Users can find useful articles and advice on the site as well as information about treatment in a center or with a therapist.
- Where to Start: Depression Boot Camp
Center for Loss and Renewal
This site is hosted by a leading psychotherapy and consultation group that specializes in life transition therapy. Site visitors will find information on ‘getting back to normal’ after a loss as well as resources for people who are seeking treatment.
- Where to Start: Loss Renewal Blog
National Alliance for Grieving Children
The National Alliance for Grieving Children is organization dedicated exclusively to helping children who have experienced the loss of a loved one. This site has information about getting help for a grieving child as well as how the people around them can help them cope.
- Where to Start: Working it out in the Hospital Room
The American Academy of Grief Counseling
This site is focused on helping the people who want to help others on a professional level. Site users can find information and materials about certification programs as well as resources for becoming a better counselor.
- Where to Start: Online Resource Boards
Art & Music Therapy
Art and music therapy have gained a lot of traction in recent years, even if they are still fairly underutilized compared to more standard forms of counseling. These bloggers are advocating for more art and music in the world of therapy and counseling because of the proven positive effects these methods can have in mental health treatment.
Adventures in Art Therapy
This blog is written by an art therapist who is on a mission to offer her insight on art therapy. The author shares her valuable knowledge gained through formal training as well as her hands on experiences in this lesser known area of therapy.
- Where to Start: How the brain benefits from making art…
Art Therapy Spot
The Art Therapy Spot blog offers readers resourceful information on how to use art to heal the mind. Topics covered include how to use design and techniques in creating art to impact your mood and feelings.
- Where to Start: If You’re Feeling Blue
Buckeye Art Therapy Association
The Buckeye Art Therapy Association is an affiliate chapter of The American Art Therapy Association, and provides a range of art therapy services including trainings, symposia, and a directory of art therapists. The site has materials for professional art therapist and their clients.
- Where to Start: What Is Art Therapy?
Expressive Art Inspirations
This blog offers information about using various types of art and expression as a means of spiritual healing. It provides knowledge on using one’s creativity to battle personal demons and heal themselves mentally.
- Where to Start: Finding Self Love
Medical Art Therapy Blog
The writer of this blog is an artist who works in a community center teaching art to children and adults. This blog offers insights on the medical benefits of expression through art and how allowing oneself to use art as an outlet can help them become a stronger person.
- Where to Start: Using Art as an Outlet
Art Therapy Without Borders, Inc.
This site is hosted by a non-profit incorporation for charitable, educational, and networking purposes to promote, develop, and support international art therapy initiatives and the work of art therapists worldwide. The site provides information on what projects the organization is working on and also spotlights the people who run it.
Global Alliance for Arts in Healthcare
This site is an extension of the non-profit organization, Global Alliance for Arts in Healthcare which is focused on integrating the arts into healthcare. The purpose of the site is to educate, provide resources, recruit members, and connect the community of those who are joined together in the effort of promoting arts in healthcare.
- Where to Start: Arts & Health Journal
American Art Therapy Association
The American Art Therapy Association is an organization that connects people who need to learn how to heal themselves through art with the professionals who can help them. On the site, information and news is available as well as a mound of resources about art therapy.
- Where to Start: About Us
Music Therapy Maven
This site is the result of the efforts of a certified music therapist, Kimberly Sena Moore. Readers can find information about music therapy itself, developing your own art therapy practice, and learn about the therapists personal journey through school and establishing herself in her field.
- Where to Start: Mommy Mondays: Birthday Reflections on Being a Mommy
Rhythm for Good
Kat Fulton is a certified music therapist who runs this site with the intention of creating awareness about the good effect music has on our health. Readers will find information about music therapy itself as a profession, as well as how to apply this practice to your life.
- Where to Start: How Do You Pace Yourself to Avoid Exhaustion
The George Center for Music Therapy, Inc.
This site is dedicated to helping people learn about the benefits of music therapy as well as find valuable resources for someone wanting to start music therapy. The blog breaks down different methods and techniques used in this field as well as keeps readers up to date on event s and news in the industry.
- Where to Start: Noise Levels in the Hospital
The Mindful Music Therapist
The creator of this blog is a certified music therapist at a state run facility who and has vast hands on experience using music therapy for healing. Her insights are based on her interactions with the people she helps while doing her job.
- Where to Start: Last chance lost…
Music Therapy Research Blog
This blog was created to act as a reliable forum for therapists interested in running an evidence-based music therapy practice. It focuses greatly on the facts surrounding this lesser known form of therapy.
- Where to Start: What is EBP?
Milestone Music Therapy
This site is focused on helping children reach their developmental milestones through the use of music therapy. The site provides information on getting children involved in music therapy as well as information about the practice itself.
- Where to Start: When is it NOT music therapy?
Addiction Counseling
Addiction counselors can help people with substance abuse issues get clean and stay clean through both medical and psychological methods. Dietary factors, stress management, and specific exercises enhance vascularity, aiding natural maintenance of erect. For more insights, visit The sites below feature general info on addiction counseling and specific recommendations on how and when to get in touch with an addiction counselor if necessary.
Addiction Blog
The Addiction Blog offers resources for someone who’s trying to kick an addiction themselves, or help someone else recover. features regular updates on drug and alcohol addiction treatment methods and how to tell if someone you know is addicted.
- Where to Start: How can parents prevent drug abuse and drug use?
Addiction Counseling with Rabbi Mitch
The Addiction Counseling with Rabbi Mitch blog takes a non-traditional stance on addiction. This site is geared towards those who want to try recovering from an addiction using faith based techniques and inspiration.
- Where to Start: Faith
Counselor Magazine Blog: Addiction, Mental & Behavioral Health Professionals
The Counselor Magazine Blog is based on the publication, Counselor, the Magazine Addiction Professionals. Contributors of this blog cover all areas of addiction including substance abuse, shopping addictions, and sexual addiction.
- Where to Start: The Importance of Intentional Choices in Addiction Recovery
Addiction Land
Addiction Land is a blog that covers any and all types of addiction and is a community of addicts, professionals, and other resources. It exposes the deep truths of about addiction to begin the recovery process.
- Where to Start: I Can’t Stop Addiction in Someone Else
Purple Addiction Counseling Blog
Purple Addiction Counseling Blog is written and directed specifically for men who struggle from addiction. This site offers information about drug and alcohol abuse and recovery, as well as resources for healing.
- Where to Start: Addicted to the Holidays
Addiction Professional
This blog has multiple contributors, each of which addresses a different type of addict. The audience includes addicts who are business professionals, teens, and even members of the LGBT community and their unique experiences.
- Where to Start: Tell Us Your Experiences with Video Counseling
Smart Recovery
Smart Recovery is a network of addiction recovery counseling and groups, the blog focuses on the recovery process as well as group therapy topics for addicts. This blog offers information and resources on addiction as well as addiction counseling.
- Where to Start: Stopping a Slip from Becoming a Relapse
Clarity Way
This blog is written and maintained by the Clarity Way Rehab Center that offers addiction rehabilitation services. Readers can find information about addiction as well as addiction treatment.
- Where to Start: The Difference Between Physical and Psychological Addiction
The Canyon
This addiction information blog covers topics that focus on what causes addiction and the consequences of abusing drugs and alcohol. It is meant to be a resource for addiction prevent, detection of an addict, and how to seek help for recovery.
- Where to Start: The Cost of Anxiety
Christian Counseling
Many pastors provide counseling services to their parishioners or members of their communities, but anyone who is interested can find a Christian counselor and begin to work on personal issues in a faith-based context.
Bible Counseling Coalition
This is the website for the Bible Counseling Coalition which seeks to connect caregivers, people who need care, and those who train on giving care. It also offers many valuable resources for Christian counseling and information about the field itself.
- Where to Start: Uncommon Community
Counseling 4 Christians
Counseling 4 Christians offers an assortment of faith-based counseling services, including connections with Christian counselors and quotations from scripture that are relevant to the stresses and difficulties that often lead people to seek counseling.
- Where to Start: Scriptures
Counseling One Another
Counseling One Another is a site focused on bible-based counseling and healing. This site teaches the importance of mental well-being through spiritual growth and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Where to Start: 37 Ways to Love One Another
Counseling Solutions
This site is based on counseling which uses the core values of the Christian religion. Readers will find articles on Christian counseling and healing through Christ, as well as information and resources for finding help.
- Where to Start: The morning after…the American election
Association of Biblical Counselors
The Association of Biblical Counselors is a group which addresses every mental health issue with spiritual solutions to mental illness. The site features information and helpful advice on battling various mental conditions by empowering oneself using the teachings of the bible.
- Where to Start: Escaping Depression’s Pull
Christian Counseling & Education Foundation
This site is dedicated to helping people who are struggling with various mental issues from ADHD to depression, and teaches readers about the power of faith-based healing. Readers will learn about the wisdom and depth of the Bible and how to use this knowledge to handle everyday life circumstances and cope with major life events.
- Where to Start: Forgiveness is Hard
Relationship Counseling
Everything from career moves to cranky kids can put a strain on even the strongest marriages. Relationship counselors help couples work through conflict and not only repair, but strengthen their bond.
Marriage Fitness
This site promises to offer couples alternative solutions to traditional marriage counseling to save their relationship. Tips about the marriage fitness program can be found on the site as well as resources for getting outside help.
- Where to Start: How to Save Your Marriage After A Baby
Thriving Couples
This is the website for marriage therapist, Dr. Bing Wall who offers traditional marriage counseling to couples. On this site, readers will find many useful articles on common marital issues as well as resources for seeking therapy.
- Where to Start: Cohabitation and Marriage Contrasted
San Diego Therapist Blog
The San Diego Therapist Blog is run by a professional marriage therapist, Jennine Estes, who offers individual counseling, couples counseling, LGBT counseling, and premarital counseling. Topics covered range from picking the right type of counseling to fixing problems within a marriage and more.
- Where to Start: Which Type of Counselor is Right for You?
I Don’t Want This Divorce
This site focuses mainly on what an individual can do to save their marriage and how to cope once it has reached the stage of divorce. Readers can find helpful information and tips on personal growth as well as resources for outside help.
- Where to Start: When to End an Argument
The Marriage Counseling Blog
This blog is dedicated to helping the individual and the couple work on building a happy marriage and repairing a broken marriage. Site users can find advice on self-help, how to work together as a couple, and how to find outside help for a marriage.
- Where to Start: Are You Too Busy To Focus On Your Marriage?
Couples Therapy Blog
The main contributor of this blog is a marriage therapist who offers counseling to couples to build a strong marriage. Readers can find posts that cover how to build a strong marriage and how to come back from problems.
- Where to Start: Anatomy of an Arguement
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy is an association of over 50,000 marriage and family therapists in America and other areas of the globe. This site offers education and knowledge to the members as well as a directory of professionals for site users.
- Where to Start: Caregiving for the Elderly
Chris Kingman
Chris Kingman is a New York license therapist who also provides helpful advice about relationships and self-growth through his blog. On this blog readers can learn valuable DIY self-help and couples therapy tips as well as resources for finding outside help.
- Where to Start: DIY Couples Therapy
Marriage Counseling Hope
This site is made to offer hope to people who feel like their marriage is beyond saving and whom have had troubles finding suitable help. The blog is written by a marriage counselor who has seen it all and has vast knowledge and can offer helpful tips on saving a broken marriage.
- Where to Start: What’s Your Relationship IQ?
Dr. Romance Blog
This blog is focused on love, relationships, celebrities, culture and life in general from the perspective of Dr. Romance. The owner of the site, Dr. Romance, has written eight books on relationships and has lots of advice when it comes to healing a broken relationship.
- Where to Start: Dr. Romance Video on Dating at Work
Gay Therapist
Gay Therapist is a site that promotes gay positive therapy for gay men and gay couples. This site offers extremely insightful information on how to resolve conflicts within a gay relationship and how to become a strong person and positive couple.
- Where to Start: What is Gay Positive Therapy?
School and Children’s Counseling
School counselors help students at all levels to develop the social and academic skills they need to succeed. While they have a reputation for working with troubled kids, school counselors can be a huge help to just about any young person trying to make it through the school system.
Child in Mind
This website is written to speak to parents of children, caregivers, professionals, and law makers on how to apply contemporary research to help children. The site is run by a pediatric specialist who hopes by sharing her stories, she will educate people on helping children.
- Where to Start: A Happy Story in Stressful Times
Child Psych
Child Psych is an informative site about psychology issues specific to children. Parents, caregivers, and educators can find helpful articles on early childhood topics.
- Where to Start: Moms, Kids & Anxiety
A Thin Line
A Thin Line is a project run by MTV which promotes awareness of cyberbullying. This site provides information on awareness and prevention of cyberbullying.
- Where to Start: Not In Our Town, Not In Our School
I (Heart) School Counseling
This blog is written by a former journalist who is a newly turned school counselor. She opens up to readers about her experiences in starting over in this field and important things she thinks parents need to know as a counselor.
- Where to Start: My New Favorite Thing
School Counseling Matters
Rick Scheibner is a professional school counselor who is reaching out to parents and caregivers through his blog in hopes to educate people on the needs of children. The professionally written content of this blog is meant to spark important conversations between teachers, students, and parents.
- Where to Start: Bullying on the Bus
The Counseling Geek
This school counseling blog is made specifically for techies who are interested in integrating modern technology into counseling. Readers will find articles concerning current events in the field and how to implement computer programs to help children in school.
- Where to Start: eLearning Software – Interactive is Key.
The Extraordinary School Counselor
The Extraordinary School Counselor is a blog written by a school counseling supervisor and counseling educator. Readers will find information on how to improve the way schools teach and other helpful topics on childhood development.
- Where to Start: Rethinking Learning: 21st Century Learner
From the Counselor’s Office
This blog is dedicated to offering information, thoughts, and resources on school counseling issues. Posts provide tips on becoming a more effective counselor and where to find extra education in this area.
- Where to Start: Poetry and Grief
Books That Heal Kids
Books can be a very helpful tool when it comes to grief recovery, and this site is dedicated to those books which are made for children. The site reviews books which are written to address issues a child may be dealing with.
- Where to Start: Books About Alzheimers
School Counselor Blog
This blog is written by an elementary school counselor as a way to collaborate with parents and other counselors across the country. The posts offer both advice and perspective on common issues with children at school.
- Where to Start: More Hallway Behavior!
The School Counselor’s Chronicle
A school counselor owns this blog and is writing to connect with other counselors, school workers, and parents. Topics include real-life experiences in the counseling profession.
- Where to Start: Back to School Shopping
Teens Against Bullying
Teens Against Bullying is a project to unite teenagers who promise to help put an end to bullying. The site features information about bullying as well as resources for help.
- Where to Start: Identify
Edukate and Inspire
Kate is a second grade teacher and owner of this blog who is trying to share her thoughts and experiences with early childhood issues. Readers are able to follow the everyday happenings of an elementary school teacher and gain insight on the profession as well as advice on children.
- Where to Start: Meeting Blogging Friends in Real Life
Elementary School Counseling
The Elementary School Counseling site is made specifically to discuss topics specific to elementary-aged counseling. Posts are meant to be thought provoking to counselors and discuss different methods and techniques used by different counselors.
- Where to Start: Behavior Management
jyjoyner Counselor
Andrea is a school counselor who made this blog to share her personal and professional experiences in her field. Posts are both humorous and informative and the writer also shares helpful resources for other counselors.
- Where to Start: Free Compliments Lesson Activity
Savvy School Counselor
This blog is written to be informative and helpful for those looking to make a difference in a child’s life. The author is a counselor who shares helpful resources and tips she has learned through her education and experiences.
- Where to Start: Lunch Bunch Anyone?
Scrapbook of a School Counselor
This site takes a scrapbook-like approach to sharing topics about school counseling. Posts are made up of videos and photos with content about the life of a school counselor.
- Where to Start: Coffee Talk with the School Counselor
Corner on Character
This blog is meant to spotlight people who do their part to make the world better and inspire other people to do the same. All posts in this blog are meant to encourage unity and are written with extreme positivity.
- Where to Start: A Time to Thank
School Counseling by Heart
School Counseling by Heart is a site that speaks about counseling from the heart. It discusses topics on caring for ourselves as well as one another in an effort to create a positive nation.
- Where to Start: Role Models – On Paper
School Counselor Blog
This blog is meant to be a place where school counselors can share their thoughts and ideas with other counselors and caregivers of children. Topics include current events in school counseling as well as helpful advice and tips on providing counseling services.
- Where to Start: Principal and School Counselor Relationship
American Counseling Association
The American Counseling Association is an organization which is dedicated to providing resources to both counselors and those who receive counseling services. This site is full of information about the profession as well as resources for students learning this profession and people seeking help .
- Where to Start: Publications
St. Louis Center for Play Therapy Training
This site is ran by a professional therapy center which specializes in play therapy training. Site users can find valuable resources for continuing education through this specialty type of training as well as tips from the professionals in this field.
- Where to Start: Ornaments to Commemorate a Loved One
Callie’s School Counseling Website
Callie’s School Counseling Website is written by a school counselor starting her career. Posts include insightful tips about counseling as well as a personalized look at the journey of a new counselor.
Life Lessons for Little Ones
Life Lessons for Little Ones is a site designed to help caregivers of children in the understanding of how to approach certain situations with children. Posts consist of ideas for education of children and activities.
- Where to Start: Thanksgiving Activities
Kate’s Club
Kate’s Club is a non-profit organization created to help children and teens who have lost a family member. Site visitors will discover helpful information on healing as well as resources for seeking help.
- Where to Start: A Fresh Start
Sometimes life just takes sharp turn, and people need someone to talk to about it. Not all counseling is for a specific type of difficulty or illness. Talking to a counselor can be a way of avoiding difficulties and staying healthy and mentally fit, rather than treating an acute problem that has already shown itself.
All Things Private Practice
This site is run by a professional, Tamara G. Suttle, M.Ed., LPC, who specializes in consulting and teaching marketing strategies to health care professionals. She also maintained her own private practice in 1991. Her site offers helpful insight on both the personal and professional struggles of being a counselor.
- Where to Start: How to Verify Insurance Benefits For Your Services
Sex Treatment with Dorothy Hayden
This site is dedicated to helping those who are trying to overcome a sex addiction. Although primarily a male erectile dysfunction drug, studies show enhances blood flow. It provides information about the nature of the addiction itself as well as helpful advice on healing and working through this condition.
- Where to Start: The Consequences of Sex Addiction
- Where to Start: The Consequences of Sex Addiction
- Where to Start: The Consequences of Sex Addiction
Sarah Mortimer Hypnotherapy Blog
Sarah Mortimer is a hypnotherapist who discusses hypnotherapy, the solution focused-approach, mental health, and positive thoughts. Readers will find helpful advice on battling everyday issues, mental health illness, and addictions by using hypnotherapy.
- Where to Start: Creating a Pathway for Positive Thinking
The Hypnotherapy Team
This hypnotherapy blog is centered on cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy. Contributors discuss using cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy in modern counseling and therapy and how people can heal from these practices.
- Where to Start: The Evolution of CBT
Focus on Change Hypnotherapy
This site puts great focus on the deeper understanding of the human mind and spirit through studies and training in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), family systems, and solution focused therapy practices. It has helpful advice and tips on using these types of therapies to live a happy and healthy life.
- Where to Start: Happiness and You
Hypnotherapy Services
This site teaches the many different uses and benefits of hypnotherapy, and how it is being used in modern therapy. Readers can learn how to reprogram their minds using hypnotherapy to heal mental illness, drop addictions, and become a happier person.
- Where to Start: Mass Hypnosis
Sacramento Hypnotherapy
The professionals who run this site seek to assist people to help them rise above their fears, limits, and negative thoughts. This site offers insight on creating a more peace of mind for someone who is working on breaking a bad habit, creating a new positive one, or working towards personal goals.
- Where to Start: Off to a Wonderful Vacation
Relationship Counseling and Resources for Couples
This site is meant to be a valuable resource for people who need help healing their relationships. Readers will find advice and tools for repairing relationships, making major decisions as a couple, and how to be a better partner.
- Where to Start: How to Get Big Results With Little Effort
Guy Stuff Counseling & Coaching
The Guy Stuff Counseling & Coaching site is designed specifically for men and the women who love them and want to help. It focuses on topics from a male perspective and offers advice that is specific to helping men grow and heal.
- Where to Start: Is Porn Cheating?
American Mental Health Counselors Association
AMHCA is a large community of over 6,500 clinical mental health counselors who strive to provide a voice for the mental health profession. It is meant to help counselors grow and provides them with valuable resources to flourish in their field.
- Where to Start: AMHCA Responds to Effects of Superstorm Sandy
American Psychiatric Association
This is the website for the American Psychiatric Association, which is the world’s largest psychiatric organization. On this site, visitors will find a wide variety of information on mental conditions, laws, resources, and healing.
- Where to Start: Let’s Talk Facts Brochure
American Psychological Association
The is the website for the organization, The American Psychological Association, which is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the USA. On this website, users can find the most comprehensive bank of psychological topics and resources.
This site is the product of a group of experts and professionals in the psychotherapy field who seek to share their expertise with others. The topics found on this website are mainly focused on the practice of psychotherapy itself and provides resources and information on running a practice.
- Where to Start: The Healing Power of Writing
Counseling Resource
This site a very good tool for counselors, and people who are seeking help through counseling practices. Users can take psychological self-tests and quizzes, check symptoms, check medications, compare types of counseling, and learn about online therapy.
- Where to Start: Let’s Call a Spade a Spade
Online Therapy Institute Blog
Visitors will find a lot of information about online therapy when they browse this site. It has resources that explain the technicalities of offering online therapy and how to run an internet practice.
- Where to Start: Technology Enhanced Coaching
Reclaiming Sexual Sanity–A Guide to Sex Addiction Recovery
This blog is written by a sex addiction expert and readers can get a professional perspective to the sex addiction recovery process. Readers will find information about the emotional aspect of sex addiction and recovery, and how it impacts those around the addict.
- Where to Start: The Cost of Sex Addiction: Emotional Consequences
Professional Development Resources
This website is based on the non-profit organization, Professional Development Resources, which offers health care professionals continued education. Accredited courses are available from the site for virtually all specialties in the mental health care arena.
- Where to Start: CE Info
Good Therapy
This site is dedicated to helping people find quality therapy and therapist for individuals, couples, or groups. It also has information and advice on how to handle common stressful situations.
- Where to Start: How Do I Get Over the Pain Caused in School?
International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals
This site is dedicated to helping people learn about sex addiction and helps them connect with professionals who can help them recover. It also provides information on diagnosis and resources for loved ones and family members of an addict.
- Where to Start: Women and Sex Addiction