What Was The Hardest Class Of Your Masters In Counseling Program?
More Answers From Masters in Counseling Graduates
Video Transcript
Host Question: What was the hardest class that you had to take during your counseling degree program?
Guest Answer: Research and statistics was definitely the hardest class that I took as a person who is words oriented and emotion oriented. The numbers are not my thing. And so a lot of my classmates kind of had that struggle. It was an uphill battle.
Guest Answer: The hardest class that I took was research methods, which is basically a glorified statistics class, and it was a very important class because we really needed to understand how research is done within the overall counseling psychology space. And it was as someone that is not a natural stem kind of student, that class definitely challenged me. Stats has never been my strong suit, so I think that was the most challenging class that I took in the curriculum.
Guest Answer: My program requires a statistics course, and that was the most challenging course. I am more of communication oriented and oriented towards writing, which is another big emphasis in the program.
Guest Answer: Psychological testing, it was difficult to practice the testing. Like you have to be very precise and you have a timer and you’re also multitasking at the same time while you’re monitoring the person who is testing, of course. And then afterwards, you have to review all of their answers and, you know, come up with the score. And then you also have to write like an evaluation. The most difficult piece of it was being so precise.

Stephanie C
Career Counselor
10 Years Experience

Freda M
School Counselor
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Holly K
Mental Health Therapist
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Elizabeth P
Mental Health Therapist & Author
10 Years Experience